Dear H

Look at me, writing to you when I don't even plan on letting you lay eyes on this. You might find it funny -- and yeah, weird -- that I am writing to you when we don't even talk, let alone look at each other in school. Except that time after midterm exams when I asked you a favor and you did the favor without ever complaining.

I guess that's why I wrote to you. Honestly, I don't know exactly the reason why I write this. I was just thinking of you and the next thing I knew, I started typing these words addressed to you and my hands seem to work faster than my brain. So I just let my fingers do it's thing and I smile to the words appearing in the screen.

Thank you. I try my best to squeeze my mind harder that maybe I can juice out a better thing to say than just a plain and not-so-inspiring "thank you". I have other things in mind that I can't bring my self to write, knowing that we barely even kneow each other. So let me just leave it at that. "Thank you" are the safest words for now.

I don't plan on commenting on every single facebook wall posts you, well, post. Not anymore, at least. It must be getting on your nerves that I do so I'll quit it. But it doesn't mean I don't want us to be friends. It's just me, you know. After the cultural week, you felt so intimidating for me and I couldn't bring my self to look your way. I don't know. Maybe I was subconciously underestimating you and now that you proved something, my ego hurts. That's just a theory though, but it's more likely to be it.

Anyway, I suppose I have to end this nonsense right now. Because I know that if I keep going, you'd have to spend a whole day reading when the only thing I'm supposed to tell you is "thank you".

I guess I'll just see you around!

it's me,


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